2014 High Ground

imageEvery year, my in-laws Kathy and Mike McCoy host a cadre of their friends and colleagues who are all impressive representatives of the design world. They spend the weekend collected on the deck, overlooking the Arkansas river valley, discussing the state of the design world. Luckily, they let me sit-in and my head is always spinning with new thoughts by the end of the trip. I’m usually the only or one of the few engineers in the crowd, and they all appreciate whatever insight I can provide from outside their normal world. Coming off of the Heisler workshop the week before, I decided to document the event through a series of portraits of everyone. Some of the shots were taken in the hills surrounding the house, while others took advantage of the spaces on the aforementioned deck.

Here are some of the selects.


Harry Teague, architect, former president of the Aspen Design Conference


Lucille Tenazas, communications design educator, Parsons New School NYC


Hugh Dubberly, interaction and information designer, former VP of design at Netscape


Mira Woodson, graphic designer, fellow New Mexican, and never ending source of great energy.


John Kaliski, architect and educator


Chris Conley, industrial designer, founder of GravityTank Chicago

Category(s): Uncategorized

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